Index & Review Committee

26. Teachers as Professional Ethical Guides: Perspectives of Madan Mohan Malaviya and Nep 2020 - Dr. Mani Joshi

27. Study of Metrological Drought for Different Agro-Climate Regions: A Geographical Study of Uttar Pradesh - Akash Gautam, Dr. Naresh Kumar

28. Sankaracarya on Non-Duality - Dr. Hasen Ali Ahmed

29. Philosophy of Justice: A Narrative of Transformation - Mr. Sanjit Barman, Dr. Barada Laxmi Panda

30. Socio-legal impact of the Pre-conception and prenatal diagnostic techniques act in India - Dr. Bhupnesh Kumar, Sushil Purohit

31. A Study of Skill Based Training Programme of Transgender Respondents, in Relation to The Improvement of Family Relationship and Societal Role - Dr. Roopa. K. Nayakodi, B. L. Lakkannavar

32. An Analysis of Women’s Socio-Economic Status, Political Involvement and Job Satisfaction - Shrikant Singh, Dr. Nishat Fatima

33. Working Conditions  and Climate Among School Teachers in Rural Odisha - Dr.Ashok Dansana, Mrs. Arpita Singh

34. Psychological Capital and Related Concepts - A Literature Review - Kavita Agarwal

35. Implications of Naturalism in Education: A Comprehensive Analysis - Gopal Das

36. Understanding Educational Psychology: A Comprehensive Analysis - Nazrul Islam

37. Role of Print Media in The Indian National Movement - Dr. Hitendra Yadav

38. Redefining Gender Roles for Social Sustainability-Bridging Equality, Diversity and Ecofeminism - Mahendra Pal Arya, Dr. Dharmveer Singh

39. Impact of Wastage of Clothing on The Environment - Swati Sharma, Dr. Arpana Kamboj